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The visions continued. He was told by his clergy colleagues that his visions were not from God. He was told an evil spirit possessed him. This troubled him deeply. The burden became too much to bear, so he went into the wilderness to find the Will of God. He was so committed that he vowed not to return without an answer. It was there, in an old trapping cabin, that the Angel of the Lord gave him his commission. Among other things, the Angel told him this: “If you get the people to believe you, and be sincere when you pray, nothing shall stand before your prayers, not even cancer.”

All the doubts were gone. He now had a commission and boldly stepped forward. The healing revival had begun.

Hundreds of thousands attended the Branham campaigns. Thousands were healed in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ. Other evangelists such as Oral Roberts, T.L. Osborn, and A.A. Allen soon followed Brother Branham and started their own healing revivals. The Lord rained down His blessings like never before. The healing hand of Jesus Christ had once again touched His people.

“I have often wept for joy over God’s recent gift to the church of our beloved brother, William Branham, with his marvelous gift of healing. This is a case of God doing exceeding abundantly above all that we can ask or think (Eph. 3:20), for I have never seen or read of anything equal to the healing ministry of William Branham.”

Rev. F.F. Bosworth, world-renowned evangelist and one of the founding fathers of the Assemblies Of God denomination as well as the modern Pentecostal movement.

“In one instance, we watched as he talked to a man lying on a cot. At first there was no sign of an intelligent response from the man. Explanation then came from the wife standing by, that the man was not only dying of cancer, but was deaf and could not hear what was being said.

Brother Branham then said that it would be necessary for the man to receive his hearing so he could instruct him concerning the healing of his cancer. There was a moment of prayer. Suddenly the man could hear! Great large tears rolled down the cheeks of that man whose face all evening had been so expressionless and impassive. He listened with deep interest as he was told of his deliverance from cancer.”

Rev. Gordon Lindsay, accomplished author, minister, and founder of the Christ For The Nations Institute.

“Brother Branham said, ‘The Congressman is healed.’ My heart leaped. I stepped out and accepted the Lord as my Healer. I laid aside my crutches… and the bottom of Heaven fell out!”

William D. Upshaw, US Congressman (1919-1927), candidate for US President in 1932. Crippled since a fall broke his back as a child. He was 84 when he was completely healed from Brother Branham’s prayer, after being crippled for 66 years. He never had a need for a wheelchair or crutches for the rest of his life.

“I had been on my back for eight years and nine months with T.B. and the doctors had given me up. I hardly weighed 50 pounds and it seemed all hope was gone. Then from Jeffersonville, Indiana, came Rev. WM Branham in a vision which he had seen of a lamb being caught in the wilderness and was crying ‘Milltown,’ which is where I live. Brother Branham had never been here or known anyone from here. Coming in, he laid hands on me and prayed, calling over me the Name of our dear Lord Jesus. Something seemed to take hold of me and at once I was up thanking God for His power to heal. I am now the piano player in the Baptist church here.”

Georgia Carter, Milltown Indiana, was healed of terminal T.B. in 1940 and never suffered from that disease another day in her life. She represents tens of thousands of people who have been healed through his ministry and are being healed yet today.